Sunday, September 23, 2012

                                                            I AM SO CONFUSED!

           So I sit here listening to the debates about abortion and I have to think, "Where is their right to say anything posted?" It seems to me this decision should be made solely by the woman and the man who fathered the fetus. Even then the father doesn't have much of a say, does he?
           The people that protest outside of Clinics or fight for a Constitutional amendment (WTF?) Are merely imposing their beliefs on another individual and THAT IS NOT RIGHT! I have beliefs myself, I believe that Women have the ability to make their OWN decision's without the intrusion of government or other individuals, and if they need help to make that decision they will seek out advice.
            Prior to the Rowe Vs. Wade decision back in 1973 only the wealthy could afford to have the "procedure" done. What the Rowe Vs. Wade decision made it to where a woman could choose to have the procedure done and insure their safety while having doing it. What that means is prior to the decision Women that choose to do this had only the option of unsanitary and barely knowledgeable people to perform the procedure. Most of the time this led to severe infections and in some instances death. Is this the America we want to return to?
            Not only do the Women have to suffer the indignity of a pregnancy they do not want ( For their own reasons) They have to take the risks of infection and death if they choose to end it? Is this right? Is this the America we are striving for? I should hope not!
            Another situation we would have to contend with, is, what to do with all of the unwanted children that  would be born? We already have a foster program strife with problems. Not enough workers, no realistic guidelines on how to manage the cases that are on the books, nor a clear way to reunite kids with their original parents. Do we want the orphanages to come back? Orphanages are places where people go to adopt and we know how well the adoption system works in this country!
            Orphanages, at least back in the twenties, were overcrowded dirty places. Staffing was negligent in most regards due to the fact they were underpaid and under-educated. Would it be the same, better? Whose to know. But one thing is for certain, if these do return it is another burden on our society that will fall by the wayside.
            I guess it all boils down to my belief that it is very simple, "If you don't want an abortion, Don't have one. But do not hold yourself above the people that do want one and let them live their lives the way they see fit." Because face it, you can not or will not walk a mile in that persons shoes.